Video Metrology

DMI offers contact Video Metrology to its customers and has operates full CNC Video Metrology Equipment.

What is video metrology? A video measurement system is a machine that optically magnifies the image of a part captured by a camera and converted to a video signal that’s analyzed by electronics and software to determine edges and features. The relationships among edges and features in one magnified image are monitored and tracked for comparison to other imaged areas to provide dimensions across the measurement range of the system’s translation stages. High-resolution imaging over large areas or volumes without any part contact makes video measurement a popular technology for manufacturers of smaller parts in many industries.

X-Centric Video CMM

Video technology is also used for inspection. The same benefits of magnifying a part to better resolve detail apply to devices used for visual inspection. Such use isn’t really metrology, because the user subjectively analyzes the image, and nothing is measured. This use is more qualitative than quantitative. There is no universal definition of “video inspection,” and some people refer to “video inspection” when they mean “video measurement.”